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Take a look at our rates

Remote ASP.NET Developers in 24 Hrs!

Recruit the top offshore remote ASP.NET developers, including expert software engineers, consultants, technical leads, and architects through RapidBrains. Our talent marketplace provides access to dedicated full-time developers on a contract basis. Build your team with affordable professionals skilled in Hydrogen, React Native, Storefront API, front-end and back-end technologies

List all ASP.NET developers

The smartest way to hire remote developers on contract

Hire the best talent worldwide

Gain access to a talent pool of 100,000 and hire top developers from anywhere in the world.

Reduce employee cost by 70%

Hire remote developers with strong technical and communication skills at an affordable rate of 12 USD per hour

Expand without a legal entity

We ensure compliance with local labor laws and provide legal insulation when you hire dedicated developers

Zero hiring cost

Hire offshore developers, interview talents free of cost, and pay only when they start working

Daily work report

Stay updated on project progress with daily work reports from offshore experts.

Time monitoring tool

Track work hours accurately and ensure productivity with a powerful time monitoring tool.

Employee management portal

Manage your global team effortlessly with a user-friendly employee management portal.

Payroll management

Streamlined payroll management, so you can focus on growth without administrative worries.

Talent marketplace to hire the top

Not able to find the right talent?

Make a request. Our hiring team got you covered.

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Experience the future of remote hiring!

Partner with us to access the best brains in the world

Our mission is to help companies boost profitability by optimizing workforce costs, while our vision is to create opportunities for all by seamlessly connecting the right talent with the right organizations.


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Years in industry

The process flow

the process

RapidBrains screening process


Structured screening & technical evaluation

With a pre-vetted talent pool of 100,000+ skilled remote developers, candidates undergo in-depth assessments with our in-house technical experts to validate their experience, technical proficiency, and problem-solving abilities.

  • Comprehensive First-Level Evaluation Conducted by Our In-House Experts
  • Evaluation of past project experience & problem-solving skills
  • Communication & soft skills assessment for remote work readiness
on demand

On-Demand skill assessment based on client specification

We offer customized skill assessments based on client requests. Clients can select from a variety of evaluation methods to ensure the best talent fit.

  • Technology-specific coding tests & project-based evaluations
  • Live coding challenges & pair-programming sessions
  • Integration with client-preferred interview or assessment platforms

Background verification & compliance assurance

We ensure a thorough verification process before onboarding, covering employment history, identity checks, and legal compliance.

  • Advanced background & identity verification with employer references
  • Final interview for cultural fit & client approval
  • Onboarding & legal compliance handling, including payroll & contracts

Essential Skills for ASP.NET Developers

ASP.NET is a robust framework for developing dynamic, scalable, and secure web applications. Backend and frontend technologies have to be mastered by developers to develop high-performance solutions that fulfill contemporary business demands.

MVC Architecture Skill

Model-View-Controller (MVC) understanding guarantees correct application structuring and scalability.

Entity Framework Skill

Facilitates smooth database interaction with LINQ for easy data manipulation.

API Development

Solid RESTful API expertise in consuming third-party services and microservices.

Client-Side Technologies

JavaScript, HTML, and CSS understanding supports interactive UI building.

Security Best Practices

Use of authentication, authorization, and data protection methods guarantees secure applications.

Cloud Deployment

Proficiency with Azure or AWS for hosting, scaling, and managing applications.

Performance Optimization

Efficient memory management and caching mechanisms optimize application performance and responsiveness.

Associated technology stacks

.NET Core ASP.NET MVC ASP.NET Web API Blazor Entity Framework (EF) LINQ Razor Pages
SignalR Microsoft SQL Server PostgreSQL Azure DevOps Docker Kubernetes Redis
OAuth & OpenID Connect IdentityServer WebSockets Angular React jQuery Bootstrap

Everything you need to know

If you couldn't find the answer to your question, please check our FAQ page or reach us via our contact form.

We conduct rigorous screening, skill assessment, and background verification to ensure that only the best professionals are hired. Periodic performance monitoring and client feedback guarantee that high-quality service delivery is maintained.

Our specialists excel across a range of industries, including healthcare, finance, retail, and technology, offering sector-specific expertise to complement sector demands and business objectives.

Yes, you are in total charge of coordinating contracted professionals to easily collaborate, have live updates, and seamlessly integrate workflow into your existing operations.

Yes, we offer on-demand scalability, enabling you to scale your team size up or down as per the requirements of the project, fluctuations in workload, or business needs.

Yes, we have flexible hiring models that allow companies to hire specialists on a continuous, temporary, or contract basis, adapting to shifting needs without compromising efficiency and quality.

In the rare event of a professional not performing, we swiftly organize a proper replacement, with minimal impact on the project and with smooth continuity without additional delay on onboardings.

We utilize milestone tracking, regular reporting, performance monitoring, and established communication channels in order to provide transparency, productivity, and quality outcomes throughout the engagement.

Strict confidentiality agreements are signed by all professionals, and we have strong data security policies to safeguard intellectual property, sensitive business data, and proprietary assets.