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Take a look at our rates

Remote MEAN Stack Developers in 24 Hrs!

Recruit top offshore remote MEAN Stack developers, including expert software engineers, consultants, technical leads, and architects through RapidBrains. Our talent marketplace provides access to dedicated full-time developers on a contract basis. Build your team with affordable professionals skilled in Hydrogen, React Native, Storefront API, front-end and back-end technologies

List all MEAN Stack developers

The smartest way to hire remote developers on contract

Hire the best talent worldwide

Gain access to a talent pool of 100,000 and hire top developers from anywhere in the world.

Reduce employee cost by 70%

Hire remote developers with strong technical and communication skills at an affordable rate of 12 USD per hour

Expand without a legal entity

We ensure compliance with local labor laws and provide legal insulation when you hire dedicated developers

Zero hiring cost

Hire offshore developers, interview talents free of cost, and pay only when they start working

Daily work report

Stay updated on project progress with daily work reports from offshore experts.

Time monitoring tool

Track work hours accurately and ensure productivity with a powerful time monitoring tool.

Employee management portal

Manage your global team effortlessly with a user-friendly employee management portal.

Payroll management

Streamlined payroll management, so you can focus on growth without administrative worries.

Talent marketplace to hire the top

Not able to find the right talent?

Make a request. Our hiring team got you covered.

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Experience the future of remote hiring!

Partner with us to access the best brains in the world

Our mission is to help companies boost profitability by optimizing workforce costs, while our vision is to create opportunities for all by seamlessly connecting the right talent with the right organizations.


Total talents


Countries served


Happy customers


Years in industry

The process flow

the process

RapidBrains screening process


Structured screening & technical evaluation

With a pre-vetted talent pool of 100,000+ skilled remote developers, candidates undergo in-depth assessments with our in-house technical experts to validate their experience, technical proficiency, and problem-solving abilities.

  • Comprehensive First-Level Evaluation Conducted by Our In-House Experts
  • Evaluation of past project experience & problem-solving skills
  • Communication & soft skills assessment for remote work readiness
on demand

On-Demand skill assessment based on client specification

We offer customized skill assessments based on client requests. Clients can select from a variety of evaluation methods to ensure the best talent fit.

  • Technology-specific coding tests & project-based evaluations
  • Live coding challenges & pair-programming sessions
  • Integration with client-preferred interview or assessment platforms

Background verification & compliance assurance

We ensure a thorough verification process before onboarding, covering employment history, identity checks, and legal compliance.

  • Advanced background & identity verification with employer references
  • Final interview for cultural fit & client approval
  • Onboarding & legal compliance handling, including payroll & contracts

Essential Skills for MEAN Stack Developers

MEAN Stack developers are experts in MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, and Node.js. They develop dynamic web applications with their front-end and back-end technology expertise to ensure smooth development.



Adds static typing to JavaScript to make code better and decrease runtime errors in large programs.



Facilitates live communication between the server and client, beneficial for applications with live updates.


Authentication & Authorization

Protects safe user access management through approaches such as JWT or OAuth for strong security.


Unit Testing

Knowledge of testing frameworks such as Jasmine or Mocha guarantees high code quality and reliability.


Task Runners (Gulp/Grunt)

Facilitates repetitive development tasks, enhancing workflow efficiency and consistency.


Containerization (Docker)

Docker streamlines deployment by setting up independent environments for services and applications.


CI/CD Tools (Jenkins, Travis CI)

Incorporates continuous integration and continuous deployment for quick, automated software delivery.

Associated technology stacks

MongoDB Express.js Angular Node.js TypeScript JavaScript (ES6+) RESTful APIs
WebSockets JWT OAuth Gulp Grunt Docker Jenkins
Travis CI Mocha Jasmine NGINX Redis AWS GitLab

Everything you need to know

If you couldn't find the answer to your question, please check our FAQ page or reach us via our contact form.

RapidBrains makes professionals meet deadlines by providing clear project timelines, frequent progress check-ins, and employing project management tools that monitor milestones and delivery dates.

You can track progress by receiving frequent updates, project management software, and by conducting weekly or bi-weekly meetings to make sure tasks are finished according to the schedule.

In case of a lack of performance, you may address the professional or RapidBrains support directly, clarify expectations, and take corrective measures to match goals and deliverables.

Yes, RapidBrains provides professionals for one-time consulting to deliver expert guidance and solutions on particular issues without any long-term obligations.

RapidBrains uses tools such as Jira, Trello, and Asana to track project development, with well-defined task allocation, timelines, and reporting of productivity.

Experts working at RapidBrains are experts in task prioritization, employing time management software such as Trello and Slack, and dividing projects into manageable parts to ensure that all deadlines are achieved.

Yes, RapidBrains has flexible recruitment for both short-term and long-term assignments, with professional expertise tailored to your own needs and timeframes.

Yes, RapidBrains is in the business of connecting professionals with fixed-scope projects, providing clarity in deliverables, timelines, and expectations during the project duration.