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Remote TensorFlow Developers in 24 Hrs!

Recruit the top offshore remote TensorFlow developers, including expert software engineers, consultants, technical leads, and architects through RapidBrains. Our talent marketplace provides access to dedicated full-time developers on a contract basis. Build your team with affordable professionals skilled in Hydrogen, React Native, Storefront API, front-end and back-end technologies

List all TensorFlow Developers

The smartest way to hire remote developers on contract

Hire the best talent worldwide

Gain access to a talent pool of 100,000 and hire top developers from anywhere in the world.

Reduce employee cost by 70%

Hire remote developers with strong technical and communication skills at an affordable rate of 12 USD per hour

Expand without a legal entity

We ensure compliance with local labor laws and provide legal insulation when you hire dedicated developers

Zero hiring cost

Hire offshore developers, interview talents free of cost, and pay only when they start working

Daily work report

Stay updated on project progress with daily work reports from offshore experts.

Time monitoring tool

Track work hours accurately and ensure productivity with a powerful time monitoring tool.

Employee management portal

Manage your global team effortlessly with a user-friendly employee management portal.

Payroll management

Streamlined payroll management, so you can focus on growth without administrative worries.

Talent marketplace to hire the top
Developers.,Architects.,Technical Leads.,Consultants.

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Partner with us to access the best brains in the world

Our mission is to help companies boost profitability by optimizing workforce costs, while our vision is to create opportunities for all by seamlessly connecting the right talent with the right organizations.


Total talents


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Years in industry

The process flow

the process

RapidBrains screening process


Structured screening & technical evaluation

With a pre-vetted talent pool of 100,000+ skilled remote developers, candidates undergo in-depth assessments with our in-house technical experts to validate their experience, technical proficiency, and problem-solving abilities.

  • Comprehensive First-Level Evaluation Conducted by Our In-House Experts
  • Evaluation of past project experience & problem-solving skills
  • Communication & soft skills assessment for remote work readiness
on demand

On-Demand skill assessment based on client specification

We offer customized skill assessments based on client requests. Clients can select from a variety of evaluation methods to ensure the best talent fit.

  • Technology-specific coding tests & project-based evaluations
  • Live coding challenges & pair-programming sessions
  • Integration with client-preferred interview or assessment platforms

Background verification & compliance assurance

We ensure a thorough verification process before onboarding, covering employment history, identity checks, and legal compliance.

  • Advanced background & identity verification with employer references
  • Final interview for cultural fit & client approval
  • Onboarding & legal compliance handling, including payroll & contracts

Essential Skills for TensorFlow Developers

TensorFlow developers use TensorFlow to develop scalable machine learning models. They develop neural networks, train them efficiently, and deploy models to production using TensorFlow's robust tools for data flow programming.


Deep Learning Models

Scaling neural networks for computer vision, NLP, and reinforcement learning.


TensorFlow APIs

Familiar with TensorFlow's different APIs for model development, training, and deployment.


Model Deployment

Deployment of models into production environments through TensorFlow Serving or TensorFlow Lite.


Keras Framework

Utilizing Keras, a high-level API, to create efficient and rapid models.


Optimization Methods

Hyperparameter tuning of models to enhance performance and minimize overfitting.


Data Augmentation

Applying methods to synthetically enhance dataset diversity for better model generalization.



Using TensorFlow's AutoML capabilities to automatically select and optimize models for different tasks.

Associated technology stacks

TensorFlow Keras TensorFlow Lite TensorFlow Serving TensorFlow Extended TensorFlow.js TensorFlow Hub
TensorFlow Probability OpenCV NumPy Pandas Scikit-learn Matplotlib Jupyter Notebooks
CUDA Git Docker Kubernetes AWS SageMaker Google Cloud AI Cloud Machine Learning Engine

Everything you need to know

If you couldn't find the answer to your question, please check our FAQ page or reach us via our contact form.

You can ramp up or down your team fast with RapidBrains, responding to project expansion or changes in requirements, maintaining flexibility and resource optimization without project interruption or delay.

Yes, RapidBrains enables you to swap a professional out if they do not meet your needs, minimizing disruption and facilitating smooth transition to another specialist who can better meet your project requirements.

Yes, experts deliver post-project maintenance, such as bug fixing, updates, optimisations, and upkeep, that ensures your completed project continues to work, be updated, and remain secure, thereby supporting ultimate project success.

RapidBrains provides extensive post-project maintenance solutions that comprise system upgrade, bug fixing, performance enhancements, as well as security updates to ensure extended functionality, stability, and optimum project performance.

Yes, RapidBrains offers seasoned team leaders who manage remote professionals with smooth communication, efficient collaboration, and ideal project execution with high performance and productivity within dispersed teams.

RapidBrains provides a seamless transition when changing professionals in the middle of a project by enabling knowledge transfer, new professional onboarding, and reducing workflow interruptions to ensure continuity and efficiency throughout.

Yes, you can hire the same expert for future projects, ensuring continuity, consistency, and efficiency since they are already familiar with your workflow and business needs.

RapidBrains promotes long-term sustainability through scalable teams, continued support, process refinement, and proactive plans that support changing business needs, driving growth, stability, and future project success.