Unlock the power of our superior developers. Hire Android developers to accelerate your app development with innovative and novel solutions
List all Android Developers with ratesHiring remote Android developers from RapidBrains allows you to leverage their expertise in Android development, access a global talent pool, and benefit from cost-effectiveness, timely delivery, and effective communication for seamless project execution.
With RapidBrains, you can hire pre-screened remote Android developers with exceptional technical and communication skills, all at unbeatable rates compared to our competitors
We upskill and train your employees from time-to-time to help them with a staged career progression. Or if you want to train an employee for a specific skillset we got you covered.
Our recruiting team can adapt to any of your processes - be it a machine test, or multiple rounds of interviews, our candidates will show their best.
No long-term contracts or commitments are required. Need someone for 2 weeks or 2 months? We've got you covered
RapidBrains enables you to hire Android developers effortlessly, eliminating the need for setting up a local entity. We handle hiring, onboarding, and HR tasks and ensure compliance with local labor laws, including minimum wage, taxes, health insurance, and termination procedures.
Learn MoreCommunication and attitude are crucial in candidate screening. We ensure they're a good fit for your company.
Skill-set evaluation is crucial. RapidBrains administers technology-specific screening tests to ensure candidates possess the necessary expertise.
RapidBrains meticulously evaluates employee experience through rigorous interviews and tests.
We conduct extensive background checks to verify the authenticity of our employees.
Finding the right person for the job is crucial for the success of your project. Android is the most popular mobile operating system, and with millions of apps available on the Google Play Store, it's essential to find a skilled and competent developer.
Familiarity with Retrofit, Dagger, RxJava is desirable. Streamline dev process and build robust Android apps.
Good design eye, XML proficiency, Material Design knowledge, and intuitive UX are vital for an exceptional Android dev.
Solid RESTful API understanding, JSON handling, secure communication are essential for Android devs.
Dev's must excel in unit, integration, UI testing, Familiarity with Espresso, JUnit for flawless app functionality.
Android dev must embrace change, stay updated, learn new trends/tools, deliver cutting-edge solutions.
Save time and find solutions with our comprehensive FAQs, covering a range of topics and expertly crafted for your convenience
You can find remote Android developers through various platforms like job boards, freelance websites, and professional networking sites. You can also partner with remote staffing agencies or reach out to development firms specializing in remote work.
Hire Android developers with strong proficiency in Android SDK, Java, Kotlin, and relevant frameworks. Experience in app development, knowledge of design patterns, and familiarity with version control systems are also important.
Conduct technical interviews and code assessments to evaluate their knowledge and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, reviewing their past projects and requesting code samples can provide insights into their coding style and quality.
Remote android developers should have good communication skills and be adept at using collaboration tools like video conferencing, project management software, and messaging platforms to maintain regular communication and updates.